About Us


My name is Dawn, and this is my page.  My husband and I are best friends and have many interests and experiences that we would like to share.

I like cooking, gardening, Modern Art, Trails in Oregon, Kayaking(we have two), and entertaining.  I enjoy watching birds.  My favorites are hummingbirds and finches.  We put feeders out and we get quite a few little visitors.

This site came about with the onset of Covid. I am a teacher and started recording cooking videos for my students.  I will link or embed the videos.  I focus on easy home cooking recipes that anyone can prepare.

My husband enjoys playing tennis, photography, flying his drone, and building things.  I don’t know of anything that he can’t build.  He finds woodworking relaxing.

Our interests and skills often work together. I cook, and he takes care of producing the videos and getting them posted.

I hope you enjoy your visit here.


Here’s what’s cooking