How I got here

The name of the hospital where I was born includes the word Sanitarium… and there are times that I think I’m headed back to where I came from.  I have lived through some trying times, and feel that I am a stronger, better person because of them.  

I came from a loving home with two loving parents.  We didn’t have much in the way of luxuries, but we never went hungry.  My mother worked as a secretary, and my father pumped gas, worked as a mechanic, and spent some time casting concrete forms.   

Growing up, we weren’t able to afford to have others do work for us, so we figured out how to do things for ourselves.  One summer, my dad had an idea for an in-ground pool, so he got some shovels, and my brother and I started digging.  The ground was really rocky, so it quickly became a major project.  Our home was built in a former riverbed and there are a couple rock quarries close by that have been pulling sand and gravel out of the ground for many decades.

I think we dug down about 30″ and 18′ across.  There were boulders that were too big for us kids to lift out.  

We eventually got the hole completed, and the pool was set and filled.  We enjoyed that pool for many years, and doubly so, as we took pride in a job well done.